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2023年5月雅思口语新题part2&3:一段和小孩子一起的时光范文 速看料

热点资讯 来源 :新东方在线雅思 2023-05-05 18:11:49




Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.

You should say:

Who the child is

Where you spent time with the child

What you did together

And how you felt about it

A time when I spent a time with a young child that I remember the most clearly, was a couple of summer’s ago in my hometown during the holidays. My cousin had had a baby, and I was staying with them. And because everyone was focusing on the new baby, I ended up spending a lot of time with their other daughter, a 3-year old girl. I had not spent that much time with her before, and to be honest I found it really really fun and interesting. When children are 3 years old they are reaching an interesting stage in their growth and development and are becoming much more aware of the wider world, their relationships with others, and making friends in school, and also, of course, their language skills have developed quite a bit so you can have conversations with them about life and their opinions on different things. We played a few games together, did some colouring, and watched some cartoons on the girl’s tablet. It was really fun, and to be quite honest, I enjoyed it so much more than I had expected. I had not previously spent much time with young children, and I was always under the impression that I’d find it tiring and boring, but quite the contrary, I think I enjoyed her company more than the company of most older people! So, it was an unexpected pleasure.





